The day you were born

Created by Susan 10 years ago
I remember the night you were born. Your dad and I were living down at the McBreen's place and we had several annoying pigs that just wouldn't stay in their pen. Your dad was at work and the pigs got out again, so I loaded up a couple of pails full of slop and called my sister Nita to come to help me catch the pigs. The pigs didn't go far,but it seemed a long distance to me, almost 8 months pregnant, packing these two pails up the highway, calling the pigs. When Nita showed up she got stuck in a snow bank. We managed to get her car out, with me pushing and her behind the wheel, and the pigs back in their pen, all before your dad got home from work...then I was in labour. Your dad was tired from his days work, and since you weren't due until the middle of May, your dad thought, at first, that I was playing an April Fool's Day joke on him, but when he realized I was serious, he drove me to the hospital in Dawson Creek and dropped me off...that's the way things were done, and what was expected, back then....and you were born....six weeks early..23.1/2 inches long and 5lb 1oz in weight...just a long,skinny,wrinkled, premature baby, that we loved so much. Our first baby girl. Now I feel like you are being ripped from my body again, but this time I can't hold you in my arms.I'm not ready to let you go, my heart is breaking. I just want you, my baby girl back.